Spocanian Archives

See also
Map with Emergency areas (in S.A.S.)
Municipalities: by district and by postcode
Status: Text has not yet been edited.

An Emergency area (Spocanian: űpk-areű) is a region in which the assistance in disasters (fire, floods, avalanches, industrial disasters, serious accidents, etc.) is coordinated centrally, and not by each municipality separately. Emergency areas are partnerships between several adjacent municipalities who believe they are at increased risk with respect to a particular category of calamities, such as industrial and mining areas, mountains with avalanche danger, forests with fire danger or wetland areas with flooding.
Some emergency areas are over the years expanded as more municipalities joined it. Emergency areas that by area expansion became each other's neighbours, are somtimes combined into one area. Thus, the number of areas has been reduced from originally 20 (with 96 municipalities) to 18 (with a total of 118 municipalities - as of 2003).
Because the organisation of Emergency areas is an "unofficial" initiative of cooperating municipalities, and not an administrative body, defined by law, such areas may also be cross-border, in the sense that a district border can run right across the Emergency area. In the case of formal administrative divisions, the district border are always consistently observed.

Not all municipalities are willing to take on such a partnership: major cities are never included in an Emergency area because they have themselves sufficient capacity to fight calamities. Moreover, a densely populated area like a city requires a different approach, compared to inaccessible, sparsely populated rural areas. Some Emergency areas exhibit "gaps" if one of the neighbouring municipalities does not want to cooperate. Theoretically, this can obstruct an effective aid, but in practice, solutions are found in providing adequate assistance, also in such "gaps" - often the non-cooperating municipality will later be sent the bill for the aid (unless this municipality has in one way or the other already contributed in cooperation).

Below the Emergency areas are arranged alphabetically; the municipalities that fall under these areas are - by area - ordered by postcode.

  1. Aldynâ (Ben): fire, explosions, mine disasters, oil spills

    5102-Zertoniyta • 5601-Vlament • 5800-Riysbo • 5801-Edprof • 5802-Tufiepo • 5803-Floran

  2. Az˙ro-Plafotô (Plefô): flooding, forest fires, avalanches, landslides

    1104-St.Bercâ-Leras • 1105-Wenâs • 1108-Plafotô • 1117-Plercô • 1401-Fjer • 1402-Knolbol-belt • 1708-Plefô • 1708-Plefô • 1708-Vel-Az˙ro • 1709-Mitâ

    In 1998, Az˙ro and Plafotô are merged into one Emergency area.

  3. Blizerű (Flâp): floods, insect pests

    7400-St.Alycro-Poniy • 7405-Alas (TF) • 7406-Acherque • 7407-Adolentiy-Begrâ • 7408-St.Christâs • 7417-Mennô

  4. Cerobiy (isl. Teujan): forest fires, flooding

    6324-Zjâk • 6600-Kanea • 6601-Bleujâ • 6602-Trus • 6903-Cerobiy

  5. Cjoefen (Bloi): heath and dune fires

    2300-Ameronne • 2304-Has • 2305-Ipana • 2306-Festruna • 2313-Meer • 3102-Monny • 3217-Pla (BLO)

    Between Monny and Pla, the municipality of Vel is situated, which does not participate in the Emergency area. But the dunes of Vel between the coast and highway 3, which forms a connection between Monny and Pla, is part of the Emergency area (Vel gives a financial contribution).

  6. Crona (Ben): flooding, avalanches, landslides

    5900-Crobela • 5901-Oopare • 5902-Prio • 5903-Sa Crono • 5904-Amentôlestu • 5905-Staef • 5911-Quobenta • 5912-Granô • 5923-Afacha

  7. Đivve-Kylbâ (Plefô): fire, explosions, mine disasters, toxic substances, flooding, landslides, falling rocks

    1406-Jentu • 1407-Aagee • 1415-Kros • 1600-Korif • 1602-Vlel • 1603-Minâ-zutter • 1900-Tul˙nn

    In 1997, Đivve and Kylbâ are merged into one Emergency area.

  8. Ergânt (Bloi): floods

    3500-Andel • 3501-Wena • 3502-Manes-Tolâ • 3506-Hâc˙r

  9. Girdes (Flenazjekk/Litii): landslides, forest fires

    6223-Sinto-Oaji-Quzo • 6233-Keranôs-s˙rt • 6703-Aboris-St.Jenu • 6704-Abertô • 6714-Manes-Becô • 6714-Quitas-Olas

  10. Hazâcki (Renô): floods

    5006-Rân • 5501-Treek • 5502-Sinto-Lâ • 5511-Tij˙ • 5705-Halepoai a/e Kjoep

  11. Heređo (Tjemp): fire, explosions, toxic substances

    1002-Bešâ • 1003-Flento • 1012-Tolee

  12. Kulano (Ales/Jelafo): flooding, avalanches, landslides

    4311-Laffenet • 4321-Šutâ • 4331-Mozent • 4331-Quandepâ • 4332-Đebantiy • 4352-Quober • 4362-Xâ ja ef Prusots • 4423-Eon • 4500-Sinto-Groje • 4501-Zelzakiy • 4502-Jajes • 4511-Đorâs • 4521-Fietso

  13. Kylbâ (Plefô)

    See Đivve-Kylbâ.

  14. Pitla (Ziyp): floods

    3401-Lônges • 3902-Balier • 3903-Fônk • 3904-Berezze • 3912-Ozaneto a/e Leije

  15. Plafotô (Plefô)

    See Az˙ro-Plafotô.

  16. Tora (Tjemp/Plefô): avalanches, falling rocks

    1034-Acaratsa • 1044-Sinto-Torafebabô • 1054-Xarebafiy • 1064-Manes-Pjeufiy • 1501-Nenâs • 1502-Zermatt • 1702-Hajetuni • 1703-Lufia • 1704-Zendoreno • 1725-Poferôs˙rt • 1735-Tustia

  17. Vl˙s (Kina): sand storms, forest fires

    8103-C˙rlamejo • 8301-Kiven • 8500-Aelas • 8503-C˙rbast˙-s˙rt

  18. źrcô (Ziyp): landslides, falling rocks, sand storms

    3612-źrst • 3613-Xark • 3623-Monce • 3941-Clemba • 3951-Fabonier

  19. Ziffon (Munt/Ziyp): flooding, heath fires

    2511-Ziffon-belt • 2531-Putu • 2531-Ziffon • 2541-Foteuso • 2551-Filiapia • 2703-Flomy • 2713-Meaue • 3046-Lamoneo • 3705-Klemp

  20. Zuykena (Ben): fire, explosions, toxic substances

    5201-Azerse • 5211-Môntariy • 5402-Reven

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